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افزودني هاي صنعت بتن
مواد شيميايي كه در فرآيند اختلاط بتن به آن افزوده شده و سبب ايجاد برخي تغييرات اساسي و مثبت در اين ماده مي شوند، افزودني هاي صنعت بتن نام دارند. اين مواد به اندازه پنج درصد وزن سيمان موجود در بتن به اين تركيب اضافه شده و داراي انواع مختلفي هستند. شتاب دهنده ها، فوق روان كننده ها، كند گير كننده ها، مواد افزودني كاهنده آب، مواد مضاف هوازا، افزونه ها و فيلرها همگي از جمله افزودني هاي بتن به شمار مي آيند. مواد افزودني از نمك ها، پليمرهاي قابل حل، كاني هاي غير قابل حل و ترسازها تشكيل مي شوند. از آن جايي كه مواد افزودني كارايي را بهبود بخشيده و سبب تسريع يا تعويق زمان گيرش و نيز افزايش مقاومت و كنترل آن مي شوند، تاثير به سزايي در افزايش كيفيت بتن توليد شده خواهند داشت. مواد افزودني مي توانند مقاومت بتن در برابر ترك خوردگي حرارتي، يخ زدگي، انبساط قليايي سنگدانه و محلول هاي اسيدي و سولفاتي را افزايش دهند. در اين مطلب قصد داريم به معرفي و بررسي چند مورد از افزودني هاي صنعت توليد بتن بپردازيم.
ليگنو سولفونات كلسيم
ليگنو سولفونات ها در واقع پلي الكتروليت هاي آنيوني هستند كه محلول در آب بوده و محصول فرآوري سولفيت خمير چوب نرم محسوب مي شوند. از جمله موارد استفاده اين سورفاكتانت هاي آنيوني طبيعي صنايع سراميك، نفت و گاز، مواد شيميايي، ساخت و ساز و افزودني خوراك دام ها مي باشد. ليگنو سولفونات كلسيم به صورت پودر آمورف با رنگ قهوه اي مايل به زرد توليد مي شود و داراي خاصيت پراكندگي، اتصال دهندگي و امولسيون كنندگي است. در هنگام خريد لينگو سولفونات كلسيم بايد به كاربرد اين ماده توجه كنيد.؛ دوز مطلوب اين ماده بر اساس استفاده آن در سيمان بتني يا تخته هاي چوبي و ... متفاوت است. از ليگنو سولفونات كلسيم به عنوان گيرنده، پراكنده كننده، مايع ساز يا سورفكتانت در صنايع مختلف استفاده مي شود. يكي از اصلي ترين كاربردهاي اين ماده استفاده از آن به عنوان پلاستيسيسترها در ساخت بتن است كه موجب مي شود بتن قوي تر شده و با آب كم تري توليد شود. همچنين از ليگنو سولفونات كلسيم به عنوان سركوبكننده گرد و غبار، مواد شيميايي به كار رفته در كشاورزي، لجن حفاري چاه هاي نفتي و توليد گچ تخته استفاده مي شود. اين ماده در آفتكش ها، رنگ ها، كربن فعال و ديگر مواد جامد و غير محلول نيز به كار رفته و سبب پخش شدن اين محصولات مي شود.
پلي نفتالين سولفونات
اين ماده نوعي پخش كننده سورفكتانت آنيوني است كه خورنده، ضد يخ، كاهش دهنده آب، مقاومت اوليه، جذب هوا و ... بوده و سبب كاهش نقطه انجماد مي شود؛ بنابراين از يخ زدگي بتن جلوگيري كرده و در پروژه هاي عمراني و ساخت و ساز در فصل سرما بسيار مناسب است. اين ماده فوق روان كننده در تهيه بتن سيال مورد استفاده قرار گرفته و در پل ها، سدها، بزرگراه ها، تونل ها و پروژه هاي ساختماني به كار مي رود. مهم ترين كاربرد اين ماده، استفاده در تهيه ملات خشك و افزايش مقاومت و سياليت بتن مي باشد. از ديگر كاربردهاي پلي نفتالين سولفونات در صنعت ساختمان مي توان به استفاده به عنوان ماده اوليه در افزودني هايي چون شتاب دهنده مركب ، ضد يخ و عقب انداز اشاره كرد. اين ماده مزيت هاي زيادي دارد؛ از جمله اين كه با كاهش 25 درصدي آب، به بهبود كارايي بتن كمك كرده و عمليات ساخت و ساز را آسان تر مي كند. همچنين مقاومت بتن را افزايش داده و سازگاري خوبي با ساير مواد تشكيل دهنده دارد. غير سمي بودن، تحريك كننده و راديواكتيو، غير قابل اشتعال و انفجار و ايمني بالا از ديگر مزايا و ويژگي هاي اين ماده است كه موجب افزايش ميزان فروش پلي نفتالين سولفونات شده است.
بنزوات سديم
يكي از مواد نگهدارنده پر كاربرد به ويژه در توليد محصولات آرايشي و بهداشتي، بنزوات سديم نام دارد. اين ماده در حقيقت نمك اسيد بنزوئيك بوده و به طور طبيعي در چاي ها و برخي از ميوه ها (مانند زغال اخته، آلو و سيب) و سبزيجات وجود دارد. بنزوات سديم كه به صورت پودر كريستالي سفيد رنگ توليد مي شود، از رشد باكتري ها جلوگيري كرده و مدت زمان نگهداري مواد را افزايش مي دهد. از اين ماده نگهدارنده در لوازم آرايشي، شيريني هاي ميوه اي، انواع نوشيدني هاي اسيدي، انواع مربا، سالادهاي بسته بندي و غذاهاي اسيدي استفاده مي شود. از ديگر كاربردهاي اين ماده مي توان به استفاده در برخي داروها مانند شربت سرفه و برخي قرص ها اشاره كرد. اين ماده همچنين در نوشابه ها جهت افزودن طعم به نوشيدني ها و تغيير اسيديته آن ها به كار مي رود. بر خلاف باور عمومي و اطلاعاتي كه به اشتباه منتشر شده اند، اين ماده سمي و مضر نبوده و هيچ آسيبي به سلامتي افراد وارد نمي كند. شما مي توانيد براي خريد بنزوات سديم به سايت شركت بازرگاني پيشگامان شيمي مراجعه نماييد.
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The 7 Interior Design Mistakes
- Remember... "The Wow Effect"
We have all seen it before. Now and then it's almost impossible to explain. Everyone seems to be trying to make this dramatic effect in their home or business, but it's very elusive. There truly is an art to making "The Wow Effect". Most Architects and Interior Designers will remember on their careers, and reflect on one or two projects that they're most happy with. On those occasions, they were ready to bring all of the inside Design elements together and make... "The Wow Effect".
When you are just beginning your Interior Design Project, set the visual and effect goals for the project very high. If members of your design team can see that you just don't seem to be keen about the project, they're going to follow your lead, leading to a dramatic effect.
There will be many days, when it looks like every concept is presented, falls in need of creating the drama. When this happens, sleep thereon, and take your Interior Design Project with you to bed. Consider the emotion and sense the finished vision of your project. The following day, you'll be amazed at the range of ideas which will present themselves. Undecided why this works... just know that it does.
2. Oops... Clearly Identify The Vision Of Your Project
Often times once we are beginning a project, we are so needing to start, we are going to hurry out, choose our favorite wall color, and begin painting. Next, we are going to begin our look for the opposite layers of the project. Unfortunately, over and over the effect doesn't always create the drama we had hoped for.
Important - At the very beginning of any project, and before anything is purchased, painted, or papered, you need to visualize the complete project from setting out to end. You’ll find a dramatic finish, texture, or fabric, which might require a distinct shade of paint or change the direction of the inside Design Project completely.
Most people will minimize the importance of this step. You’ll invest lots of your time working this process. But, if you truly wish to make a dramatic Interior Design Project, you need to visually complete your project from getting down to end. There’s no easy thanks to do that. The more specific the main points, the greater the possibility for a dramatic effect.
3. Funding... Establish an internal Design Budget
It is so important to spot a take into account your Interior Design Project. The price for Interior Design can swing dramatically in price. Once you have got established your budget, this may provide the needed structure, and can ensure your project is completed on time.
Through the planning process, new ideas are introduced, which can raise your Interior Design budget. Many Interior Design projects are completed in phases. Most people don't have unlimited funds.
Clearly identifying the approximate غير مجاز مي باشدt of the complete Interior Design project, will offer you the needed structure for this process.
At now you'll make the choice whether to divide your project into phases. Breaking your project into Interior Design phases ensures that your Interior Design Project will have funding, without settling for a group of design effects which will come short of your initial vision.
You can now specialize in creating the vision and therefore the drama, without becoming overwhelmed with the financial numbers of the project. Don’t begin your Interior Design project, until you have got established an indoor Design take into account the complete project. This can become the muse for the project, and can release your energy to specialize in ... Creative and Dramatic Interior Design.
4. Capturing Your Ideas, Always Begin with a ..."Design Board"
Dramatic Interior Design ideas are just like the wind. You need to capture all of them, after they are going by. The majority don't do that, but this is often such a very important step.
When you are creating your Interior Design project, put all of your ideas on a presentation board or design board. These are often called concept boards or mood boards.
It is much easier to check new colors, fabrics, textures, or ideas. You’ll sense when "The Wow Effect" magic is commencing to happen and your Interior Design project is taking form.
Focusing your creative energy is critical to making "The Wow Effect". There aren't any short cuts or easy ways to form dramatic design. We’ve all seen Interior Design Projects, where an investment of a touch more thought, and inventive focus, may have produced a more dramatic effect.
When all of your ideas are placed on a design board, visually, you may be ready to sense what's creating drama and what's not working. Introducing new ideas is far easier and therefore the process will start to flow.
Finally, you may always remember the instant, when everything is functioning, and your Interior Design project is taking form. It’s almost sort of a "Runners High". All of the inside Design Element are finally coming together, creating the dramatic vision of your project.
If you truly wish to make "The Wow Effect", don't skip this critical step. Your investment is just too great, to not ensure a final dramatic effect. Always use a design board or concept board on any Interior Design project.
5. Understanding ... the Principles of Layering Color, Texture, and Effect
Think about it, almost everything that's appealing to the attention, was created with layers of Color, Texture, and Effect. We like to examine things that incorporated the "Principles of Layering".
Color and Texture are the tools you're employed with, and Effect is that intangible that's generated after you bring the layers together.
Think of the seasons, how within the fall, the colors naturally complement one another. If the incorrect colors were introduced, you'd not have the identical effect.
Your layers will include, your plan or Unique Spaces of Opportunity, Paint, Italian Venetian Plaster, Faux Finish, Wallpaper, Ceiling Finish, Flooring, Fabrics, Furniture, Drapery, Lighting, Accessories, and Plants.
There truly is an art to layering. On your design board you may learn firsthand about the principles of layering. Your senses will tell you immediately what's working and what's not creating drama.
Invest a while to find out more about "The Principles of Layering". There are many good books on this interesting subject. Dramatic Interior Design can only be created in layers.
6. You're the Director ... "The Importance of Staging"
Staging is that the process of making the mood, ambiance, and feelings, for a chosen are. This can be such a very important step to be told.
Correctly staging the world that... precedes your next area of opportunity, is critical to making "The Wow Effect".
If you have got too many colors, decorative items, or visual confusion occurring within the country, this could and can distract from your unique spaces of opportunity.
Staging will create the utmost effect and control the visual emotion as you progress through your home. Drama and effect are rarely created inadvertently.
Remember, "You Are The Director". How you set the stage, light the space, choose yours colors and texture, will determine the success of your Interior Design Project.
Learn more about the "Importance of Staging" and "How to Stage you Home". If this can be done correctly, walking through your home are like reading an excellent novel. You can't wait to induce to the following room or chapter.
7. Searching for Ideas? ... Share a Coffee with an inside Designer
everyone is always curious about an honest idea. If you're feeling you'd prefer to discuss your ideas and your project with some other person, i'd strongly encourage you to satisfy with an enclosed Designer or specialist.
There is no obligation for this meeting, but you may be surprised how your project will become focused shortly. Ask around to your friends for referrals, to look at a number of there previous projects, and also discuss their fees.
Everyone won't need an enclosed Designer. But there could also be times, when the layers of your Interior Design project don't seem to be coming together. When this happens, meeting with an inside Designer is also one amongst the most effective decisions you ever make.
Finally, creating "Dramatic Interior Design" may be a challenging process. You’ll spend many days of struggle and energy. From time to time the stress and difficulty of the method, will cause you to want to surrender. But I’m here to inform you, if you stick with it, and invest the time.
Design Master’s portfolio ranges from assisting clients making furniture selections to fully coordinated large scale home remodels, new construction, restaurant, office and retail interiors. No matter where a project falls in this range, Design Master helps clients bring beautiful and functional designs to life. As interior designers, we translate our clients’ visions of their spaces into thoughtful, executed designs. We are happy to help new clients at any stage of the design process and will gladly discuss your specific needs in more detail.
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مشاوره تحصيلي
يك محصل براي دستيابي به موفقيت تحصيلي نيازمند آموزش شيوه هايي صحيح و اصولي مشاوره تحصيلي است، به قولي مي توان گفت در مشاوره تحصيلي دانش آموز از دريچه اصول صحيح برنامه ريزي درسي، راهنمايي هاي لازم براي چگونه پيشبردن مطالب درسي را مي آموزد و با كمك شيوه هاي صحيح مطالعه قادر به پيشگيري و حل مشكلات درحين مطالعه مي گردد و در نهايت هم با هدايت تحصيلي كه دريافت مي نمايد به مهارت و موفقيت تحصيلي نائل مي گردد. آنچه در مشاوره تحصيلي بيشتر صدق مي كند پيشگيري است، يعني خواهان آن هستيم كه قبل از وقوع مشكلات درسي اين مشاوره ها دريافت گردد، اما چناچه با مشكلي هم دست به گريبان باشيد به مدد مشاوره هاي تحصيلي مي توانيد مشكلات درسي خود اعم از نارضايتي از مطالعه مطلوب، ياگيري دروس و …. را كم يا كاملا از ميان بردارد؛ پس در كسب مشورت از مشاوران تحصيلي دريغ نكنيد، زيرا آنها بارها شيوه هاي گوناگون يادگيري جذاب و ثمر بخش را آزموده اند و همه ما به خوبي مي دانيم كه آزموده را آزمودن خطاست …..